Monday, February 8, 2010

Overconfidence + a bad snowpack = a really bad time

Experience is a critical element at play in how we all perceive numerous types of risks in the backcountry. As of late, I have begun to wonder why so many have tempted fate in the Wasatch. Maybe it is our past experiences of what is and is not safe in another season. Yet, this season has been drastically different. Our snow pack has been more reminiscent of conditions found in our neighboring state Colorado.
The video above, is the story of several friends touring in Montana. I believe it serves the purpose to remind us all of the ever present dangers when heading into the backcountry.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that so many people go into the back country areas of Utah without proper preparation is very scary. A few instances in Utah this year involving avalanches were able for us to see the good side of preparation, and the bad. One avalanche had two friends that were involved. The man that was caught in the avalanche had a beacon device which he had activated prior to going into the back country. As a result, his friend was able to find him quickly and dig him out of the snow after 10 minutes and ended up saving his life. The other instance I heard about had to do with a man who went out on his own with no such device. When the avalanche occurred, he was pretty much a goner because he had not taken the necessary steps to prepare for the worst in an area highly susceptible to avalanche danger.
    We all need to be prepared for the worst in any case. These people that are going into dangerous areas should be the first to consider the danger and then prepare. A little money spent for safety may be a little price compared to your life.
    Lesson learned: ALWAYS BE PREPARED!
